the bigest theart to coal miners yet it must be stop?

how are we going to rip guys off when can get almost free power. 100 square miles of hydro solar would do it and add in following no coal mines no co2 no coal ash no Mercury it almost free… Continue Reading

a solar plant that can make 280 megwats for tucson phoneix? why are we not building more of theses?

100 square miles of hydro solar would power good chunk of usa. and add in following no coal mines no co2 no coal ash no Mercury it almost free and sun goes out i think we will have bigger problems… Continue Reading

what do u think? plz?

For yr 11 2a/2b english we have been assigned to write an original essay on any topic. I have chosen oil reserves and the effects it has on the economy but am stumped. Can you guys give me your opinions… Continue Reading

How could I summerize this paragraph?

With only the most important facts? I just need the general information on geothermal energy. Geothermal power (from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat) is power extracted from heat stored in the earth. This geothermal energy… Continue Reading

Help in summarizing this?

The history of the development of electrochemical cells is crucial to the scientific study and industrial applications of electricity, for prior to the rise of electrical grids around the end of the 19th century, they were the main source of… Continue Reading

This observation led to the development of which of the following everyday applications?

Advances in military technologies have often led to the development of everyday applications. Early radar systems operators noticed that objects near the radar were often heated when the radar was in use. This observation led to the development of which… Continue Reading

do people know 100's of millions will die?

with the huge wave of environmentalists claiming that we need to stop using oil and coal and resort to more green ways to produce energy, do people realize that countries like Africa that absolutely depend their development on those very… Continue Reading

What are the Instruments to measure Water Current, Solar Radiation, Natural Gas Pressure?

We’re advocates for a "Clean Environment" – and we’re new into Renewable Energy Development in the Philippines. What are the proper instruments & protocols to measure Water Current, Solar Radiation, Natural Gas Pressure, Wind Speed, & other Clean Energy resources?

isn't it arrogant to believe such things?

to assert that a world that has been in existence for billions of years was made for your (if your lucky) 70-100 year lifespan which is 1.16 to the negative eleventh power of the earth’s existence. to assert that with… Continue Reading