How can I become more effcient to the Earth and myself?

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How can I become more efficient to the Earth and oneself?
I believe in conserving the Earth as it is the only planet in which to this date, is inhabitable by the human race. Therefore it is the human race’s duty to continue the preservation of life, here on Earth. I wish to become more efficient to this Earth and to the very science I can contribute. I am currently 16 years of age. I shall study A levels in Science in an English college and go on to study further education in the science field. My long term goal for a career is to become a leading member of a space organisation somewhat like NASA. I have what it takes for educational preferences, the only thing I ask more of is how I can become more efficient to myself and to our planet. I am green, I do switch off and conserve energy to the best of my ability. Which is limited at my young age, I have no means of solar or wind technology or anything similar like hydraulic technology. I wish to accomplish a healthy sustainable life, one in which I have a healthy, balanced diet, one in which I take into account the vast amount of exercise needed and the amount of consumable items of food, ranging from ordinary snacks of pieces of fruit up to a large salad etc. I am very much into helping, but I have to study for school work now, and at a later date college and university work. My question is, how can I become more efficient to Earth, and to myself to encourage a better healthier lifestyle, one is which will complete my need for satisfaction?

And of course, live long, and prosper.


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