If a Black Hole was heading to Earth within 100 years, would scientist stop trying to invent things?

So the other week I was watching the 7 ways the world would end; #7 is near by Supernova (even 8,000 light years is too dangerously close), #6 is the chance of a Black Hole coming near us, one of the top 3 is of course a meteor, and 1 one is Global Warming; of course most Republicans are too stupid with their arrogant greed for oil money to admit the truth of Global Warming even when evidence is right in front of them (just like how Bush ignored the warning signs before 9/11).

Ok, so the question here

Every year technology advances, and within 100 years, it’d be more advance than ever. After all, last century had the most advancements so far of any century; we went from small towns, to giant skyscrapers, flying planes, flying warfare and even making it to the moon, you can only wonder what it will be like in Year 2111.

But if a Black Hole was to be discovered and that we had like 100 years left, that would be like the Apocalypse right there (I’m Catholic myself).

Do you think technology was be much more advance by then, or do you think most will say; "Why try to invent new things, the world is coming to an end in 100 years along with the rest of the Solar System" and technology will stop advancing as fast as it is now.


Oh, here! Watch this to see what I saw about the world ending with a Black Hole;



Ahm Stupid Daver, one, Global Warming is true, you arrogant Republican. Two, you didn’t answer the question, the question is "If" the world was going to end, not "will it", "if it".


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