Solar energy as an alternative fuel source. Do you agree with my points?

1. Solar energy is not cost effective due to the cost of equipment and the cost fossil fuels needed to create solar energy cells in the first place. If you were to install solar panel on an average home in Phoenix AZ and you calculated the cost + fossil fuels used in creating the solar equipment it would take from 5-8 years to show a profit. Other cities that get less sun than the desert would take even longer and the cost would go up as you also calculate Maintenance dollars.

2. In order to generate enough energy to effectively curb our need for fossil fuels would not be economically prudent or reliable with the given solar technology as we know it today.

3.Hydrogen fueled cars and and big trucks is the main target of defeating the need for foreign oil. Solar energy will never be able to generate enough energy to supply hydrogen refueling stations.


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