If a Black Hole was heading to Earth within 100 years, would scientist stop trying to invent things?

So the other week I was watching the 7 ways the world would end; #7 is near by Supernova (even 8,000 light years is too dangerously close), #6 is the chance of a Black Hole coming near us, one of… Continue Reading

Will you watch Larry Joseph tonight on Conan O'Brien discussing the Apocalypse?

Larry Joseph is author of Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation into Civilization’s End and he’s also the Chairman of a plasma physics company in New Mexico. The Case Against 2012 The thesis of this book is that the year 2012… Continue Reading

How to protect hard disks, flash usb disks, computer's hardware and so on under an EMP or an epic solar storm?

In case I survive a massive extinction, like an epic solar storm, the nuclear destruction of the world or an event like that, I want to be sure of preserving the information, e-books, the culture and everything after a possible… Continue Reading