A question about alternative energy?

To meet his 10-year goal of making the U.S. independent of foreign oil and to head off increased climate change, Gore said nuclear energy output would continue at current levels while the nation dramatically increases its use of solar, wind,… Continue Reading

I need thoughts and opinions on this topic and answer question?

Throughout his presidential campaign, and since taking office in January 2009, President Barack Obama has pushed forward his agenda to free America from dependency on foreign oil. A growth of green jobs is predicted in the coming years as new… Continue Reading

What key habits effect your thinking on this topic?

Throughout his presidential campaign, and since taking office in January 2009, President Barack Obama has pushed forward his agenda to free America from dependency on foreign oil. A growth of green jobs is predicted in the coming years as new… Continue Reading

Is it about time that we end "renewable" energy subsidies?

We taxpayers have dumped $Billions into wind, solar…etc. and have gotten no return. Shouldn’t we allow the Free Market determine what forms of energy we use? From the Wall Street Journal: "Congress seems ready to spend billions on a new… Continue Reading

Do you agree with American CEOs who want stronger regulations on climate change?

"Without clear climate change policy, not only will manufacturing jobs be siphoned off to overseas rivals investing heavily in renewable energy sources, but U.S. companies won’t have any clear direction on where best to invest their money in new capital… Continue Reading