Renewable Energy Degrees: Green Jobs = Bright Future

According to the Worldwatch Institute: Driven by the gathering sense of a climate crisis, the notion of “green jobs”-especially in the renewable energy sector-is now receiving unprecedented attention. Currently about 2.3 million people worldwide work either directly in renewables or… Continue Reading

Solar Energy Equipment Supplier, Solar Power Energy in Fords NJ 08863

Solar Mite Solutions is a solar energy equipment supplier located in Fords NJ. Our services include solar panel installation, commercial and residential solar energy installation as well as solar power energy. We also specialize in solar electricity. For all your… Continue Reading

Is it time to throw the greens under the bus?

Ask any family with children or grandchildren what they want for the future and the almost certain answer you get is "We want the kids to have it better than we do." If you press for further information, "better" turns… Continue Reading

What price is your children's future worth?

Ask any family with children or grandchildren what they want for the future and the almost certain answer you get is "We want the kids to have it better than we do." If you press for further information, "better" turns… Continue Reading

How Solar Power Works at DP&L in Ohio

Learn how energy from the sun can provide electricity to supplement energy needs in Ohio. DP&L is testing solar technology at its Yankee Solar Array. The company is also exploring other renewable energy sources like biofuels.

Could concentrated solar thermal generate 25% of world power by 2050?

A new study by Greenpeace International, the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association and the International Energy Agency considers three different potential scenarios for concentrated solar power’s (CSP) growth over the next few decades. In the third and most aggressive scenario,… Continue Reading

Solar Power Technolgy for The 21st Century

To most people, the words Solar Power Technology would be a vague recollection of Astronomy 101 or perhaps one of those terms that they picked up from one of these sci-fi flicks that we seem to be bombarded with these… Continue Reading