What price is your children's future worth?

Ask any family with children or grandchildren what they want for the future and the almost certain answer you get is "We want the kids to have it better than we do." If you press for further information, "better" turns… Continue Reading

Should the USA give China advance green technology for free

Many people moan about China and its green and human rights records. Should the USA give China free advanced technology in green power sources, solar, wind, nuclear power plant plans or even build them for China or ways of upgrading… Continue Reading

Obama calls for a new generation of nuclear energy?

The President reiterated a campaign viewpoint to revive nuclear power in the United States in his State of the Union Address, and this is expected to be made tangible by a reservation of billion in the 2011 budget for loans… Continue Reading

Inside Nanosolar – Thin-Film Solar Startup

bit.ly Thin-Film Solar Startup Debuts With Billion in Contracts A startup with a secret recipe for printing cheap solar cells on aluminum foil debuted today, in what could end up a milestone for the industry. Nanosolars technology consists of sandwiches… Continue Reading

DO you know our Futures destiny?, I do!?

2012 a proposed super computer built by Intel and SGI for NASA’s Ames Research Center, will be completed, reaching a peak performance of 10 Petaflops a proposed super computer built by IBM for the National Nuclear Security Administration will be… Continue Reading

What do you think of Obama shutting down Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage development?

22 years of work and 13.5 billion dollars down the drain. Now nuclear waste sits at nuclear power plants with nowhere to go. Why are Obama & Democrats so afraid of nuclear energy? That’s the only viable way for us… Continue Reading