This yahoo news story is complete BS>Solar power..?

This is a slap in the face to anyone but the mass sheeple of this country. The "black budget" is over 26 billion, thats for stuff which is never seen or accounted for. Your telling me the U.S. airforce is pottering around with weak solar power, then they for sure have exotic & power energy systems that have yet to been released for the benefit of "mankind" and are instead kept under lock and key..even as humanity is goin down the very drain. Its a DISGRACE
Are u kidding? Solar power is incredibly WEAK, and there’s absolutely NO WAY it could ever satisfy the demands of our way of life today. It has never been proven to do so or we would have used it already. If ur pinning ur hopes of survival on this..I’ll cya in the afterlife pal.
Get real
Hey Gene, try asking what the government does with over 26+ Billion in funds every year, and see where it gets you! Whatever you imagine the government has, think 30 years ahead of that..its been quoted..


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