what are the prospects of solar energy as an alternative commercial source of energy today ?

the solar industry today is being considered for the first time in a serious manner as an alternative clean fuel source to generating energy when compared to dirty fossil fuels like oil and coal that generate energy such as electricity. the industry says that they are approaching cost parity, though with government susbsidies, with fossils especially with oil having cost as high as 2 weeks ago (it has since dropped to a barrel). from a technological and commercial point of view, how strongly do you agree with these statements? the stocks of the leading solar energy producing companies have rocketed up 10 fold in some instances during the last 12 months alone. i’m not asking the question from a financial point of reference, as to wether they still are attractive to invest in, but from a tech perspective wondering if the technologies are commercially viable enough to compete with current non-green electricity producing utilities (power companies).


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