Can't Venus be colonised more easily than mars?

I have read that a ballon/biodome full of breathable air which floats at 50km above the Venusian surface would have acces to liquid rain(although acidic) and CO2 which are needed for photosynthesis aswell as the correct temperature and pressure along with plenty of sunlight and access to power i.e. solar power, wind and geothermal energy allowing the building of Venusian colonies and potentially the development of native life as suggested by Dr. Luis N. Irwin of the university of texas. Mars on the other hand is a cold desert planet with nothing on offer aswell as gravity so weak it would severe bone deformation of human inhabitants. so why does everyone think mars is the right one for colonising?
My question applies to the near future and thus no terraforming is able(plus it might damage the local ecosystems anyway). Also blowing round on floating biodome would actually be a good thing as the 100m/s winds would whisk you round the planet in 3 days rather than waiting 243days for venus to rotate on its axis and the floating biodomes would be able to steer themselves plus if they did get damaged then the builders or pilots would be sued for putting lives at risk and naming the thing "titanic 2" and corrective measures would be made. As for radiation the sulfuric acid cloud reflect radiation exspecially UV(the main cause of skin cancer). And as for materials by the time we colonise venus carbon nanotubes(these being made from graphene which can be created using CO2) will have replaces metal. And although the escape velocity of mars and its possible material richness is appealing frankly i think venus is still far more appealing.


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