Is Fox News Funding Terrorism?

Fox News’ 2nd biggest shareholder is a SAUDI OIL PRINCE. That is a big reason that FOX is against Solar and Wind power and FOR America’s continued extreme addiction to oil which ultimately means increased imports from Saudi Arabia. The… Continue Reading

How many oil field jobs did Obama create or save? We still run on oil and natural gas and will for decades to come no matter what new technologies are developed today. Reality, you’re living in a dream world. Joan, you’re right. There are no figures, only the bogus… Continue Reading

Breaking News Arizona rancher likely killed by drug-cartel scout, attorney general Goddard says activists you?

Breaking News Arizona rancher likely killed by drug-cartel scout, attorney general Goddard says activists you now got the proof now what excuse will you have ?News Type Size: A A APrintEmailRetweet Digg this.Arizona rancher likely killed by drug-cartel scout, attorney… Continue Reading

What are the implications of our manipulation of Edge-Localized Modes?

(Edge-Localized Modes in plasmas look like solar flares.) (We have learned how to prevent Edge-Localized Modes from flaring.) (ELM’s are distinctly like other cosmic plasma discharges, possibly even the sun.) So, what are the implications from a… Continue Reading