Please, need a real scientist's answer to this long & complex question (not for school)?

Thanks for looking at my question. This is very complicated and more than a little unusual, so please, if you’re just guessing or think you might know, don’t answer. Please only answer if you’re actually a qualified scientist with some expertise in these fields. Thank you.

Ok. I am an (amateur/just starting out) fantasy and science fiction writer. However, I probably don’t know as much about very specific snd technical aspects of science as I should. I’m trying right now to write a big sci-fi, space opera-y, kind of epic. I wouldn’t say it’s nevcessarily "hard sci-fi", but I DO want everything in it to at least be physically possible.

Which leads me to my dilemma, because a huge theme, a central theme in the book in fact, is a race of characters with psionic – telepathic, psychokinetic – powers. What I am trying to figure out is, is there ANY conceivable way to make this physically possible?

Now I know that according to science, telekinesis is impossible. But is there any way to possibly posit how it COULD be possible, without violating physical laws?

Let’s first assume, as Arthur C. Clarke did when he wrote "Contact", that we are dealing with an arbitrarily advanced civilization. Their technology is so far advanced that they can accomplish anything not specifically prevented by the laws of physics.

With that out of the way, think about an animal such as a strongly electric fish, like an electric ray or electric eel. They use electrocytes in their "electric organ" to blast electromagnetic energy out of their bodies. Theoretically, human brain cells, which already transmit electricity, could be modified to function in this same fashion.

Now we know that electromagnetic energy, aka photons, can move an object. This is demonstrated by the theoretical "solar sail" in space and other phenomena. Light aka photons aka electromagnetic fields, are both a particle and a wave. They have mass and they can push stuff. I suspect, however, that the amount of electromagnetic energy that would be needed to move even a small object inside a planet’s gravitational pull would be gargantuan. I doubt these theoretical cells would be up to the task.

However, assuming again that this race is arbitrarily advanced, they could nano-lathe these cells together from scratch, building them atom by atom. They wouldn’t need to copy nature’s designs, and could build atomic machinery as effecient as physically possible within that confined space.

So basically my question is – and I would imagine that arriving at the answer would require quite a bit of mathematical calculations, which aren’t exactly my strong suit either – would it be physically possible, even with these "arbitrarily perfectly efficient" cells, to physically pack enough of them into the space of a human skull to be able to generate enough electromagnetic energy to move objects around against a gravitational pull?
To mr.c ok that answers much of my question, thank you. So, ok, to theoretically have it make sense I should say that these cells have a wacky combination of atoms that are engineered to be able to build up an electric charge very fast?

I’d rather not go into conceits like subspace fields or quantum non-locality stuff, but just keep it strictly an electromagnetic phenomenon. As far as Newton’s Third Law, think of these theoretical cells as being like little radio antennas. Antennas don’t get blasted apart by reaction force when they transmit huge amounts of energy.


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