Solar panels: different types? best and why? new technology coming?

I have a couple questions about Solar Panels for houses or even energy farms:

1. What are the different types? explain what they are?

2. Which type is the best? Why? How much better? Or can you tell me in light of price for example one being better but much more expensive therefore not really better?

3. Is there recent technology out that is improved explain? Is there new technology to come info? (I wouldnt want to buy some and then a new tech come out that blows it away and for some reason I think maybe something is in the works)

4. What would it take to manufacture your own solar panels with cells and all? What machines would you need, materials, and cost? and is the info on how to make secret?

5. I have seen solar plants where mirrors were used to direct the sun to the panels. Can normal panels take this much sunlight? Will they burn out or at least burn out faster?

6. How long to solar panels last?

7. Where is a good comprehensive clear website that teaches you for free how to diy solar panels like the earthforenergy website?


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