Science HELP 10 POINTS?

1. The ________works with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce marine biology regulations along the coast and in the Great Lakes channels. (1 point) Coast Guard Department of the Interior (DOI) Center for Disease Control (CDC) Food and Drug Administration… Continue Reading

Evironmental Science?

8. This agency was implemented to develop regulations for a more efficient and safe national transportation system. It is in charge of all forms of transport systems and vehicles. It has improved the safety standards for rail service, commercial jets,… Continue Reading


1. The ________works with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce marine biology regulations along the coast and in the Great Lakes channels. (1 point) Coast Guard Department of the Interior (DOI) Center for Disease Control (CDC) Food and Drug Administration… Continue Reading

Is the moratorium to build solar plants on public lands a fossil fuel conspiracy? "The Bureau of Land Management says an extensive environmental study is needed to determine how large solar plants might affect millions of acres it oversees in six Western states — Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah…..fledgling solar… Continue Reading

New Mexico revenues earned from leases for wind, solar, and biomass energy development on trust lands have jum?

According to the 2008 Annual Report from the Commissioner of Public Lands in New Mexico revenues earned from leases for wind, solar, and biomass energy development on trust lands have jumped more than 300 percent. New Mexico is producing 496… Continue Reading