What technologies could we use to replace oil?


Geothermal power, solar power, radio signals, microwave lasers,
how could we end the use of fossil fuels in the next 20 years and
still have a booming economy and civilization? How do we create a balanced ecosystem on earth? What specific things might we do to restore ecological balance? How do we create a balanced ecosystem in space?
"To create a balanced ecosystem in space, shouldn’t we take care of us here on earth first? " Yes, but see, machismo gun weilding fascist halfwit monkey throwback men won’t actually bother to solve real world problems unless you couch those problems in interesting science fiction
"Radio signals? Microwave lasers? What are you talking about?" Two methods of moving energy for use in other systems once it is generated. For instance, orbital Solar power and a microwave laser downfeed.
"Also, a balanced ecosystem in space? Nothing lives in space, how can we even have an ecosystem in space let alone a balanced one?"

Capture Cruithne. Hollow it out and melt it solid. Spin it fast enough to provide an internal centripetal pseudogravity. Start sending up soil.
"""Note: You probably want to avoid the nuts who go off saying outrageous things like ……….."The problem with this is that the engines degrade far faster using such fuels."::"""
I agree completely with my refactored statement. lol.


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