What do you think of Obama shutting down Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage development?

22 years of work and 13.5 billion dollars down the drain. Now nuclear waste sits at nuclear power plants with nowhere to go. Why are Obama & Democrats so afraid of nuclear energy? That’s the only viable way for us… Continue Reading

Solar Energy Newspaper Project HELP PLEASEE !!?

SOLAR ENERGY AND SOLAR POWER 1. What does the device generate and how? 2. Describe the historical development of the device/ technology, when it was first put into practice. and who developed it? 3. To what extent do other countries… Continue Reading

Solar Power versus United Kingdom's Solar Rqmt on all new Gov. Bldgs.?

Solar power is renewable, but it’s not cheap because the US has not invested enough in Research & Development. Currently in the United Kingdom all new government buildings are required to have solar panels. So there goes all the theories… Continue Reading