Has Anyone Told Obama You Get Almost Nothing for $150 Billion Spent on Wind & Solar?

That is only about 0 per year for each American household. Wind and solar are so expensive that your family or a community would get very little benefit by investing that little bit of money in windmills or solar technology.… Continue Reading

Is compressed air technology not lucrative for automobiles?

Tatas are going to introduce compressed air technology at global level. While we say this technology is a boon ,more especially, when we are at the juncture of oil crisis, the governments of all countries should undertake a massive research… Continue Reading

This yahoo news story is complete BS>Solar power..?

http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20070418/tc_usatoday/airforceembracessolarpower This is a slap in the face to anyone but the mass sheeple of this country. The "black budget" is over 26 billion, thats for stuff which is never seen or accounted for. Your telling me the U.S. airforce… Continue Reading