Brief question about solar cells?

So I’ve been browsing around for a while, trying to get a basic hang of modern solar cell technology. So far, I think I’ve gotten a decent grip of how the things work, but there’s one thing that confuses me.… Continue Reading

How Solar Power Works at DP&L in Ohio

Learn how energy from the sun can provide electricity to supplement energy needs in Ohio. DP&L is testing solar technology at its Yankee Solar Array. The company is also exploring other renewable energy sources like biofuels.

Grand Opening of the Lieberose Solar Park on August 20, 2009

(English language version) Documenting the dedication of the Lieberose Solar Park by Federal Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, Minister President of Brandenburg Matthias Platzeck, and Ulrich Junghans (Minister of Economic Affairs for Bandenburg). The Lieberose Solar Park, which is under development in… Continue Reading

Have you heard of thin film solar technology?

I think this is very interesting: "within ten years, solar will undercut coal, natural gas, and nuclear by 50%…The crucial tipping point, says Evans-Prichard, is the per watt point: the current price of most non-renewable energy sources. Current solar technology… Continue Reading