Zenith turns an Israeli kibbutz solar

ZenithSolar, an Israeli solar technology company, has installed its first innovative new solar farm on a Kibbutz in Israel that will create environmentally friendly energy at low costs. The technology can be used by other communities worldwide as a cost-efficient… Continue Reading

History multiple choice question help please?

1) The backbone of Roman agriculture in the Augustan Age was a. slave labor b. imported foods from the empire c. captured barbarian labor d. small free farmers. 2) Which of the following statements about farm and village life during… Continue Reading

Is residential solar power technology mature enough to purchase?

What is the likelihood that solar panel technology will improve drastically in the near future such that current solar panel technology will be completely obsolete before 10 years time? The reason for my question is as follows: I’m thinking about… Continue Reading

B, Ar, Ga, In solar powered cell?

I recently saw on an episode of prison break that this fictional covert international organization (the company) was planning on combining the elements boron, argon, gallium, and indium to produce a revolutionary solar technology that could be used to harness… Continue Reading

Jesuits @ CES 2009 – Flexible Solar with Power Film

www.thetechstop.net The inefficiency of solar cells is not a big secret. Though some of the more advanced technologies are approaching some respectable efficiencies (think 10-15%) most consumer-level products are big, bulky, expensive and have conversion rates hovering below 10% —… Continue Reading

Why would Sarah Palin try to start a “Drill Baby Drill” chant at a speech to a solar power company?

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. (AP) – Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is looking toward her political future even as her political present has yet to be decided…… ….Palin spoke after touring Xunlight Corp., one of a handful of solar technology startup… Continue Reading